Retail Consumer:
Our products are carried by natural food stores and metaphysical bookstores
nationwide, as well as from various on line retailers. Some of our other major
customers include Bodhi Tree Bookstore.
Also, Internatural carries our entire
line of products and is an excellent onlineresource for that reason.
Please feel free to contact us should you have any difficulty in purchasing
any of our products. We are available 9-5 Central Time, M-F (except legal
holidays) at:
Auroma International, Inc.
P O Box 1008
Silver Lake, WI 53170 USA
262 889 8569 phone
262 889 2461 fax
Auroshikha Products:
True to Nature Incense
Ayurvedic Products:
Chandrika Soap
Herbal Vedic Products
Body Care
Where to Buy:
Consumers (Retail)
Stores (Wholesale)